Your dentist may have recommended a night guard based on their exam and a discussion with you about possible bruxism which is clenching or grinding of the teeth, or possible TMJ disorder concerns. Either way, a night guard will help to prevent grinding, tooth damage and associated pain, and position...
The answer to this question is different for each individual. In some cases, these last molars can fit perfectly into a person’s mouth when they are properly aligned. However, in many individuals, the wisdom teeth are not properly aligned and may require extraction. Your dentist will review your x-rays and the...
Yes! Flossing is the single best way, other than combined with regular dental checkups, to prevent gum disease. Gum disease affects nearly 50% of adults 30 and over in the U.S. and is very preventable. Flossing regularly will also help your regular checkup visits to feel more comfortable, as your...
Yes. Radiation comes from many sources, including the sun and even riding on an airplane. It is important to limit exposure to radiation over ones lifetime. Fortunately, the dose of radiation you are exposed to during the taking of dental X-rays is extremely small, and even smaller at 1st Family...
1st Family Dental recommends only replacing fillings of any kind when there is an issue such as wear, decay, pain, cracking or breaking of the tooth or filling. If you notice any of the issues listed above, we recommend you see your dentist as soon as possible for an exam....
Amalgam is most commonly referred to as “metal” or “silver” fillings, which contain a mix of metals including mercury. Composite fillings are known as white or tooth-colored fillings. Note: 1st Family Dental does not use amalgam material for fillings and dental restorations. Instead, we use composite resin material at all...
Yes. Many times patients will feel a great amount of relief from swelling or pain following the first part of the root canal treatment has been completed. However, the second step of the root canal is critical to allow your dentist to make sure the infection has cleared, to ensure...
Some pain, swelling and bleeding are to be expected after most extractions. Each extraction is different and everyone experiences pain and recovers differently. Your dentist or our staff may have provided you a post-extraction instruction guide after your procedure. This guide contains helpful information to make your recovery as speedy and...
It’s true, not everyone is blessed with all 4 wisdom teeth, and some people do not get any at all! This does not mean they are any less wise, however. One current theory to explain the lack of wisdom teeth in some adults, as well as why so many of...
The answer to this question is: “it depends.” Each person and situation is different. If you are not currently experiencing pain or crowding, your dentist may recommend removing your wisdom teeth to avoid those types of problems in the future, based on what they see on your x-rays, as well...