Did you have a chance to see our light-hearted video about William, who is just trying to get through his day despite a missing tooth? If you haven’t watched it yet, take a look and have a giggle. Then check out our funny outtakes and trivia!
When making this video, we referred to it as “Unlucky Number 7.”
That’s because William, our protagonist, is missing one of his lateral incisors. On a dental chart, that tooth is known as # 7.

The “HR Lady” is actually an HR lady IRL.
Jessica, who played the HR professional conducting William’s evaluation, is actually an HR professional and really needed to use all of her skills to keep a straight face during this take. Judging by William’s reaction, she did just fine.

We agonized over the best fake facial hair for this scene.
The runner-up was a fabulous handlebar mustache. No regrets, though – despite the fact that this beard left black fuzz on everything it touched.

See? The beard just works. In a creepy, creepy sort of way.

Our star actors, William and Christina, are actually a real couple.
And they’re getting married soon! We know, AWWWW! So cute. Even better, Christina will be a certified Dental Hygienist very soon, so her agony over “unlucky number 7” is very real. 🙂

Have you been thinking about what a dental implant could do to help your smile?
Check out this link and share your story – Some lucky person will receive a free dental implant! Learn more here.
Next: Stop Hiding Your Smile: Dental Implants to The Rescue or learn more about dental implants.
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